
Francisco Balbi di Correggio

Balbi di Corregio's Diary - 29th of June - Bormla's houses are a threat

Friday, 29 June

On 28 June the Grand Master realized the danger which the houses of Bormla threatened to the defence. On Friday, 29 June he sent out some horsemen to reconnoitre the country, and also a good number of arquebusiers to occupy the furthest outlying houses which they fortified. He also sent out by the Gate of Provence another strong body of men. When these well-ordered movements had been carried out, more than one thousand Maltese suddenly went out with picks, iron bars, and other implements and feverishly commenced to demolish the houses which stood nearest to the Post of Aragon.

During this engagement, which lasted more than six hours, the Maltese who were demolishing the houses wasted no time. Many houses were demolished and all the woodwork was taken to Birgu.

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